Name: Daniel Bratteng
Age: 14 and half, playd conquer since i was 10
Location: Norway/Oslo
TimeZone: gmt +2
Position Applying For: Gamemaster or SH
have u been Gm/Pm/SH before: yeah i have been, game master for a some servers, havd my own server called cochaos wich had alot of members, later i merged whit vengeanceco and was PM there.
Any Coding Or C#/C++ Experience IF Yes Prove: I can make some basic, im not the best coder, but i always try to code and make me better, i got little experience in C#.
Why Do You Think You Are Worthy Of This Position?: Since i know everything, made alot of 130 chars, know how to help pepole, know how to use the commands, like to help ppl and make them the server more fun!
Other Info:
Conquer Normal for 3 years, 2 years whit private servers.
I would be help full for the server and forum!